
3 Tips To Improve LinkedIn Content Engagement

Provided by Alyssa Gelbard, Founder & CEO, Point Road Group

Increasing visibility on LinkedIn stems from a strong profile and engaging with content (Posting, Commenting, Liking & Sharing). We recently covered key tips on updating on your LinkedIn profile, so now let’s look at how to strengthen your LinkedIn presence with a smart approach to content engagement.

Here are a few strategies (beyond the basics) to get better noticed, position you as an expert and spark conversation with the people you want to reach.

Timing is everything. When and how frequently you post impacts what others see in their feeds. If you originate multiple posts in quick succession, you’ll see diminishing returns because LinkedIn automatically downgrades the reach of your second and third posts of the day. So, avoid originating a great post “just to get it out there” right after your last one and save it for another day. When considering post timing, while there’s no definitive rule, many experts recommend between 8-10 AM and early afternoon, Tuesday through Thursday, for most visibility. Also think about when your target audiences are most active on LinkedIn and post at those times.

Variety is the spice of life. Optimal LinkedIn engagement drives conversation that’s informative and interesting, while often highlighting your point of view and/or expertise for the topic at hand. Liking and sharing posts is better than doing nothing, but it will yield less visibility than originating and commenting on posts. You can also stand out by diversifying the content you contribute, including format (text, photos, videos and infographics), sources (companies, people, media) and types (articles, event announcements and podcasts). Ultimately, choosing content relevant to your audience (and you) that offers fresh ideas and perspective has the most potential to gain impressions.

Keep the conversation going. Content engagement is all about creating dialogue and interaction, so timely follow up is key. Notification alert emails are often delayed, so after posting or commenting, keep an eye on activity to reciprocate engagement and reply to comments soon thereafter -- especially within the first two hours. Sustained interactions during that window generate valuable momentum resulting in higher impressions and longer lasting visibility.

While LinkedIn content engagement drives visibility, optimized engagement maximizes the impact of your efforts. Others will take notice and join the conversation when you regularly interact with interesting, helpful, insightful content.
For more on these tips and other important content engagement strategies, check out 7 Tips To Get Better Noticed When You Engage On LinkedIn.