
The Dangers of Lacking Leadership Communication

by Michael Zammuto

Failing to communicate can harm the business, the workplace dynamic and the employees which largely keep things afloat.

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Leadership communication is an effective skill which any business leader needs to have. The ability to successfully communicate with employees and team members will largely determine whether or not a business thrives, stagnates or fails. In a nutshell, leadership communication is what helps and allows an organization to keep functioning on a day-to-day basis while the leader establishes respect and the proper dynamic amongst their team. 

Different Styles of Leadership Communication

Believe it or not, there are a plethora of styles associated with leadership communication. Whether it’s motivation, direction, advice, teaching or listening, it’s imperative for leaders to be aware of the various methods of communication. More importantly, leaders also need to be aware of the appropriate times in which to apply the aforementioned styles. 

There will be certain situations where motivation is important. Perhaps an employee has the skill sets to get a job done, yet they doubt themselves or feel nervous. This would be the perfect time for a leader to step in, note the importance which the employee plays in the business and remind them that they are more than capable. This is exceptional leadership communication and sets a great precedent for other employees who may be observing the interaction from afar. 

Likewise, the time will come for direction. While directions in a professional setting may be clear-cut or blunt, the leader who issues them doesn’t have to be rude. It’s very possible to inform workers of what needs to be done while still being respectful and carrying oneself according to the position which is held. Sometimes direction can be quite welcome, particularly in situations where the employee is feeling anxious, uncertain or confused. 

Advice, teaching, and listening each have their place in the realm of leadership communication. Sometimes, the best advice is given after listening to the issues or concerns which an employee is facing. Only then can a leader truly effectively communicate and administer the appropriate teachings. In the long run, most workers will appreciate proper and appropriate communication from those who are leading them in business. 

The Dangers of Lacking Leadership Communication

Virtually all leaders want to think of themselves as successful and effective communicators. After all, how can one run a business and command the respect of those who are working for them if they’re unable to communicate. Now, the value of leadership communication has already been established, but it’s equally important to understand the reasons and dangers associated with lacking leadership communication skills. 

Running a business can be stressful. Shouldering the responsibilities of leadership can also be stressful. Different people handle stress in various manners, sometimes constructively, sometimes not so much. The one certainty is that failing to communicate can harm the business, the workplace dynamic and the employees which largely keep things afloat. 

Anytime a leader sees their communication skills suffering due to stress, this is a sign that they need to step back, regroup and assess what’s triggering them. It could be a tough client, a break from a business partner, or something else entirely. Regardless of what the situation may be, dealing with it appropriately and moving forward is what counts at the end of the day. 

No matter how many communication styles leaders master, there is always more to be learned. Being a great leader is a journey and no matter how exceptional one may be, there is always room for improvement. As long as those in leadership positions remain focused, on top of things, and willing to better themselves, they will inevitably thrive in business and set an amazing example for those who look up to them. 


Michael Zammuto is the CEO of Completed.com