FEI Weekly

November 10, 2017

Millennials are prioritizing their retirement savings, corporate boards must become more diverse to end workplace sexual harassment.

Inside the Senate's Tax Plan


The working Senate draft would cut the corporate tax cut from 35% to 20%. But the cut would take effect in 2019, not 2018, as it would in the House bill. Instead of having companies “depreciate” investments by deducting them over several years, companies would be able immediately expense all their investments.

When it Comes to Sexual Harassment, Start With Corporate Boards


Despite the fact that research shows greater diversity in the workplace leads to better long-term results, in the U.S., corporate boards are often homogenous, with long-standing members, few women or people of color, and no worker representation. Without greater representation of women and representation of workers in the governance of firms, there is no reason to expect greater accountability for CEOs who engage in sexual harassment or otherwise ignore the plight of the people who work for them.

Skills Trump Credentials for Tech Company Hiring


As the number of tech jobs has climbed, far outpacing the number of applicants, companies like IBM have turned to talent with non-traditional educational backgrounds. Tech companies have also been seeking talent from other educational avenues, such as coding programs and high school partnerships.

Study Shows Millennials Prioritize Retirement Savings Over Student Loans

Plan Sponsor

A recent study revealed that 64% of Millennials say they are very or extremely confident making investment decisions on their own. Despite this confidence, 85% say they would work with a financial adviser. Although student loans are a source of Millennials’ financial stress, cited by 24%, they are more likely to put any extra money left over at the end of the month into their 401(k) (34% of Millennials).

Turn Competitors Into Allies


In the cases of an intentional co-worker who’s purposefully trying to drag you down, the first step is to speak to your manager. If that's not an option, try making them an ally. It's not the easiest solution, and will require empathy and effort. But if you're willing to do it, you might end up teaching your colleague about teamwork.