FEI Weekly

June 22, 2018

Retiring baby boomers are changing the country and 3 steps to improve your accounting workflow.

Could Wayfair Decision Put Small Retailers Out of Business?

Fox Business

The Supreme Court overturned a 1992 ruling on Thursday, giving states the authority to force online retailers to collect sales tax in states where they have no physical presence. Some say the costs associated with being forced to comply with these new regulations could put some smaller retailers out of business.

How Retiring Baby Boomers Are Changing the Country

WSJ - Paywall

By 2017, there were 25 Americans 65 and older for every 100 people in their working years, according to new census figures released Thursday. The surge of retiring baby boomers is reshaping the U.S. into a country with fewer workers to support the elderly—a shift that will add to strains on retirement programs such as Social Security and sharpen the national debate on the role of immigration in the workforce.

3 Steps to Improve Your Accounting Workflow

Accounting Web

Running regular automation audits, investing in your IT team, and helping your human employees do more are all ways to improve your accounting workflow. You won’t be able to plan a new strategy overnight, but meticulous steps taken with caution overtime will soon help you remain alive and well in today’s cut-throat accounting industry.

Women Are Taking More Board Seats, But Not Leadership Roles


Today, women comprise 31% of new board directors in the 3,000 largest publicly traded companies across the U.S. But it’s not all good news. While women occupy 18% of board seats overall among these 3,000 companies, they have not seen the same increase in leadership roles. Only 10% of lead independent directors are women, and just 4% of boards are chaired by a woman. Women representation may have increased overall, but not in areas where they could have the biggest impact.

5 Skills for Becoming a More Effective Leader


Dr. Betty Vandenbosch, an award-winning administrator whose leadership at Purdue University Global has cultivated an atmosphere of achievement and integrity, has her own list of five lessons learned skills around becoming a more effective leader: Actively listen, maintain an inner calm, set regular meetings and stick to them, be creative, and don't be afraid to change course when warranted.