FEI Weekly

September 19, 2017

77% of CFOs say Trump deserves credit for stock market highs, the best explainer on how blockchains will upend banking, and how leaders can solve dysfunction.

AICPA Wants Changes from IRS on Partnership Audit Rules

Accounting Today

An official from the American Institute of CPAs asked the Internal Revenue Service to revise its proposed regulations for auditing large partnerships during an IRS hearing Monday.

Dysfunctional IT: When Tech Problems Become People Problems


If you’ve spent any time working with an IT team, you’re probably familiar with the frustrations and tensions common to such people in the workplace.

The Best Explainer on How Blockchains Will Upend Banking Comes from an Unexpected Source


A bank’s paper on cryptocurrencies is a great explainer on how cryptocurrencies intersect with central banks.

CFOs Say Trump Deserves Credit for Stock Market Highs


Three quarters of CNBC's Global CFO Council poll say President Donald Trump deserves some of the credit for the stock market's record run in 2017.

Memo to the CEO: Are You the Source of Workplace Dysfunction?

McKinsey & Company

Wise leaders figure out how to fix their teams and organizations; and they start by taking a long look in the mirror.