FEI Weekly

October 26, 2017

Employees want to hear this from their bosses, the budget blueprint and tax reform.

What the Budget Blueprint Means for Tax Reform


The budget blueprint, which has already been approved by the Senate, is central to the Republicans' efforts to push tax legislation through Congress in the face of staunch opposition from Democrats. Negotiations were set to continue Thursday morning as Republican leaders seek to get more members on board for the budget.

When Incentive Plans Lead to Scandal


Those who work in compliance understand that unless a company ends up with an outsize problem like Wells Fargo did, the way it moves forward on the issue of bonuses will look more akin to evolutionary change. Experts outline seven common ways corporate incentives can warp behavior.

A Bleak Picture for Retirement Savings

Accounting Web

According to a recent report, 40 years of societal changes have wreaked nothing but havoc on retirement savings and the ability to build those savings. Pensions are far less common than they once were and employers have shifted retirement planning to 401(k) plans that put employees more in control of their savings. The problem is, many people aren’t especially savvy at doing that.

Showing Appreciation in the Workplace


45% of employees say words of affirmation are the primary way they like to be shown appreciation in the workplace. As leaders, Give praise for character and leadership traits. The more specific you are about what you're affirming the better. It makes the praise that much more meaningful.