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FEI Weekly

October 16, 2017

Yellen calls inflation the "biggest surprise" in the U.S. economy, how to make yourself promotable, and why IPOs could suffer because of the new Revenue Recognition standard.

Companies Need to Make Preparations for Audits Under New Lease Accounting Rules

Bloomberg BNA

Auditors are readying themselves to conduct audits under the new lease accounting standards. Paul Becht, partner of Margolin, Winer & Evens LLP, says companies with multipe lease agreements will need to use sophisticated software to help them analyze and properly account for their leases under ASC 842.

Are You Promotable?


If you're looking to move up the ranks, taking on new projects, deepening your understanding of the business, and improving your responsiveness can all help you position yourself for advancement.

Inflation: The "Biggest Surprise"


Speaking at an international banking seminar yesterday, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen acknowledged that low inflation this year has been a surprise. On a brighter note, however, Yellen shared that she expects inflation to pick back up as the effects of temporary factors (like the recent hurricanes) begin to fade.

IPOs Could Suffer Because of the New Rev Rec Standard

Accounting Web

The IPO market could be slowed down by the new revenue recognition tools. According to a Deloitte poll of about 3,000 executives in accounting, tax and finance primarily from private companies considering IPOs, only 8 percent indicated that their companies have implemented the revenue recognition standard.

Embrace Conflict for Better Team Performance


A recently released six-year study revealed the ability to manage conflicting tensions as the most critical predictor of top-team performance. The strongest teams go as far as to view conflict as beneficial. There are several ways to cultivate healthy debate.