FEI Weekly

October 13, 2017

Cybercrime represents one of the biggest financial risks to an organization and the SEC endorses simplification of disclosure rules.

What The Smartest CFOs Are Doing About Cybersecurity

Investor's Business Daily

One of the CFO's primary responsibilities is managing an organization's financial risk, and cybercrime represents one of the biggest risks to an organization.

SEC Endorses Simplification of Disclosure Rules


The commission is seeking to help investors make informed choices "without imposing unnecessary burdens of time and money on issuers."

AI and Big Data – Three Years in the Evolution of Accounting


Every aspect of accounting processes, reports, curriculum and work is impacted by new technology. More changes are coming. How will the profession and academia respond?

Guess Which Workers Stand to Retire the Richest

USA Today

The answer boils down to compounding, the concept of earning interest on interest.

Managers Are Missing Out on the Most Important Part of Personality Tests


What the skeptics miss is that the test itself isn’t what’s valuable.