FEI Weekly

November 16, 2017

Justice Department seeks the help of state attorneys general on AT&T-Time Warner merger, how to boost brain power.

Cordray to Resign From CFPB

The Washington Post

Republicans had become increasingly exasperated that Richard Cordray had not stepped aside as Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director when President Trump took office. With Cordray’s departure, the regulatory structure put in place by the Obama administration in the wake of the global financial crisis has been nearly entirely replaced.

Mid-Market CFO Pay Increases Outpaced CEO Pay

Business Wire

A recent survey shows that pay for CEOs increased at companies in the smallest revenue range, while CFO increases occurred at the small and midsized company level. No matter the company size, full-value stock appears to be compensation of choice over stock options for both positions.

Justice Department Tries to Win Support From State Attorneys General To Block AT&T-Time Warner Deal


The Justice Department has reached out to a group of state attorneys general, who are assessing whether the deal could harm competition. The department so far has failed to persuade any states to join a potential lawsuit.

5 Ways to Restructure Your Portfolio for Retirement

Next Avenue

Throughout the different phases of retirement, it's important to protect against sequence risk (be sure the market’s sequence of returns don’t wreck your retirement plans), match your assets to your expenses, remember that taxes are an ongoing expense, and pay attention to required distribution rules for your retirement accounts.

Want to Boost Brain Power? This Will Help.


We already know that exercise can reduce stress, but a new study reveals that aerobic exercise can lead to an increase in the size of a region of the brain's hippocampus and slows down deterioration of brain size. In other words, according to the study's lead author, "Exercise can be seen as a maintenance program for the brain."