FEI Weekly

March 2, 2015

Mining's Buffett's shareholder letter for finance advice, increasing board engagement between meetings, and Uber's effects on travel budgets.

Crib Sheet for CFOs on Buffett’s 50th Annual Letter

Wall Street Journal

Warren Buffett’s latest letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders contains in its more than 40 pages several insights finance chiefs might find thought-provoking.

How the Best Board Directors Stay Involved

Harvard Business Review

As directors and management teams adapt, they’re bumping into limits—both on the amount of time directors can be asked to spend and the scope of the activities they can undertake.

Does Uber Usage Nick Business Travel Budgets?


The average cost of a ride using the suddenly popular service is higher than for traditional taxis.

Smartphone Security: The Spy in Your Pocket

The Economist

Despite attempts by Google and Apple to check the bona fides of the apps their stores sell, mobile malware is a growing industry.

5 Ways To Transform Yourself Into a Leader


Recent research shows teams managed by motivators perform better than those that are controlled too heavily by a designated supervisor.